
After graduating from university with a degree in Economics & International Business and Mathematics minor, I went on a little e-commerce excursion, surviving on the income from my eBay store. I had been fascinated with e-commerce from an early age, starting out on ebay at 10 years old with the help and support of my father.

I moved to Japan in 2016 for what was supposed to be a gap year of teaching English but turned into 7 years of living in Japan! I passed the most difficult level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT N1), got an English teaching certification, helped an English school start-up as the head teacher, and did a lot of translation work. But I finally realized I needed some kind of solid skill that is in high demand. That’s where web development came in.

In the summer of 2021 a couple of my software engineering friends in Texas told me to try out some lessons on Free Code Camp. Two FCC certifications later, a semester of Computer Science online from my college in Texas, and getting though half of the curriculum of a self-paced coding bootcamp, and I started out as a freelance web developer.

In June of 2023 I got out of the English teaching industry and after about 10 weeks of full-time study I got a job offer as a full-time Software Engineer at a small tech company here in Japan! I’ve been in the company since October 1st. Now I’m enjoying a wonderful life, working fully remote and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.

I’m learning a lot at the new job and I’m continuing to do my own studies and work on personal projects in my free time. So, if you have a million dollar app idea, something you want to collaborate on, or work you need done, feel free to drop me a message. I’m also available to mentor people who are trying to get into the tech industry. I will be documenting my coding journey and giving tips & advice on my new YouTube channel

New technologies I’ve learned on the job: React, Material UI, AWS CLI, AWS API Gateway, Dynamo DB, React Native, Next.js

Contact me and let’s work on the next million dollar app idea!

Web Dev Japan